What is the OCC

The Children’s Commissioner is an independent statutory officer. The independence of the Commissioner is important to ensure they undertake their role as set out in legislation with courage and integrity, and provide reports and resolve complaints in an objective manner, beyond the influence of government or other service providers.

The Commissioner has as their priority the best interests of children, with a focus on vulnerable children, in all aspects of their work. Most importantly working towards having the voices of children and young people heard. The Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC) shares its core functions between two teams; the Monitoring and Investigations (M+I) team and the Strategy, Rights and Advice (SRA) team.

Monitoring and Investigations

The M+I team receives complaints relating to a vulnerable child, where services fail to provide, or do not meet the service standard reasonably expected. The team undertakes informal and formal inquiries and investigations relating to the care and protection of children and monitors places where children live in institutionalised settings such as youth detention facilities, residential out-of-home care accommodation and bail support accommodation.

Strategy, Rights and Advice

The SRA team analyses information from complaints investigations and community engagement to identify emerging systemic issues. Using evidence based research, along with the experiences and views of Northern Territory (NT) children this team influences legislative reform and policy, provides advice to government and improves community awareness on issues relating to vulnerable children.

Importantly the SRA team continually meets with children and young people across the NT to hear what works well for them and what worries or makes life difficult for them. Their voices directly inform the work priorities of the OCC.

Our Vision

Children and young people in the Northern Territory reach their full potential.

Our Mission

To ensure the rights and best interests of children and young people are safeguarded and promoted.

Updated 18 May 2023